
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing clean water to people in need. Clean water brings health and a better life.

An African man looking off into the distance
  • Over 750 million people on Earth lack access to clean and safe drinking water

  • Many are forced to walk several hours to muddy ponds and streams for their water

  • This water is often contaminated with animal (and sometimes human) feces

  • These contaminated sources can lead to diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, and more

  • Without access to modern medicine, many of these diseases can be fatal

  • Globally, a child dies every 5 minutes as a result of drinking contaminated water

    Divine Water uses John 10:10 as our founding verse from the Bible. Jesus came “so that man could have life to the full”. We submit it is impossible for anyone to live life to the full if they are constantly beset with diarrhea and severe stomach cramps. Water is essential to life and clean water is essential to a healthy life.

  • Often aquifers can be tapped by drilling a borehole 50-75 meters in depth

  • By installing a hand-pumped well the village can be supplied with plenty of clean, safe drinking water

  • These projects can cost nearly $10,000, and villagers typically make $1 a day or less

  • Divine Water funds villages like this which desperately need clean water but lack financial resources

  • Within 6 months, 80% of water-born diseases are eliminated

  • One Ugandan village reported the complete elimination of all cholera cases after installing their well

  • Each well provides clean, drinkable water for 500 - 1,000 people

  • While Divine Water cannot fix all the world’s water problems, each well is a step in the right direction