Divine Water partners with individuals and organizations which have an on-the-ground presence in the countries we serve. This is essential for several reasons:
Many African villages are skeptical and distrustful of outsiders
Without gaining their trust, it is difficult to make changes to their villages
Divine Water has a number of partners that spend considerable time and resources in-country
Our partners help build relationships with villagers to gain their trust
These relationships allow villagers to be accepting of bringing education, better sanitation, and access to clean drinking water to their village
It is estimated that there are 50,000+ abandoned water wells in Africa
Because of this, Divine Water is committed to developing a plan to maintain the well prior to construction which will allow the well to serve the village for many years
Our Partners
Healing Hands International
Kibo Group - Uganda
Water Underground
Keith Avaritt – Missionary (Costa Rica)
Pioneer Bible Translators - Papa New Guinea
Villanova University
Larry Cobb Memorial Well
Divine Water and Water Underground partnered to honor the life and legacy of Larry Cobb in the community of Chicondilo.